Friday, August 1, 2014

Chocolate Zucchini Bread Smoothie

It has been bloody hot in Edmonton lately (, which means I am not in the mood to turn on the oven or the stove.  Of course, the small beings in the house (where did they come from and why do they keep calling me "Mom"?) are still hungry and demand to be fed.

In an effort to keep the house cool, as in NOT 30C inside even when it has cooled to a "reasonable" 27C outside, it dawned on me that I should be using my Vitamix!  Brilliant.  Except that the girls hate every single soup I ever make in there.  It is like they don't trust a soup that isn't properly cooked in a pot.  I can't blame them, but it does make my no-cook options limited.  So, while I was on my run this morning, I turned to my eldest and said, "Hey!  We can make a chocolate smoothie for lunch!" and she looked at me like I was a crazy person and replied, "Moooooooom, that is a treat!"

Aha, my girls have been trapped by my spider like senses.  Little did they know (they now know, because I believe in being honest with them) that there isn't any sugar AT ALL in their chocolate smoothies!  In fact, I often stick veggies in the smoothies. They were on board with this idea once they realized that it is healthy and who doesn't want a chocolate smoothie for lunch?

Fortunately, when we got home, there was a lovely yellow zucchini waiting for us!  Zucchinis and chocolate go together so well in zucchini bread, why not a smoothie?

Chocolate Zucchini Bread Smoothie

2 cups     almond milk (or whatever milk you prefer)
1             banana
1             yellow zucchini (about 20-25 cm long)
1 cup      greens (I used lettuce)
4             dates
1 Tbsp    cocoa powder
1 tsp       vanilla
1 Tbsp   honey (optional)
2             ice cubes

Put everything in blender and blend until smooth.

This recipe is vegan (depending on how you feel about honey) and gluten free.  Also, heat free and stress free.  :)

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